Terms & Conditions


In order to uphold an environment that encourages and respects inclusivity and diversity, we are committed to fostering a learning environment and sense of community in which students, staff and instructors maintain are respectful and committed to mutual kindness and compassion.

These values are central to our community standards and are a reflection of our commitment to applying the ethics found within the Buddhist tradition to the way we conduct ourselves.

By participating in our programs, courses and practice sessions, you are committing to the acknowledgement that you may be sharing space, whether online or in person, with fellow participants who may come from different backgrounds and intersectionalities, who may have differing abilities, differing access to power and resources, and or differing levels of relationship to the dharma and dharma practice. 

Recognizing that diversity creates rich and meaningful community, and that the care around diversity helps foster powerful peer-to-peer relationships and learning, by participating in our programs, course and practice sessions, you commit to the co-creation of a respectful learning and training environment whether you are a student, instructor or member of Yangti Yoga staff. 


When participating in a live webinar course, you hereby grant permission to Yangti Yoga Retreat Center, and representatives to photograph and video you, and otherwise capture your image, and to make recordings of your voice, if you participate in class discussion or demonstrations. You may also opt out of appearing on camera while participating, or opt out of any class participation if called upon by the teacher: kindly simply state you do not wish to participate in the moment. You understand that the live webinars, including all student participation, are recorded to be subsequently viewable by all enrolled students. You hereby waive any right to inspect or approve the use of the recordings. You hereby release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Yangti Yoga Retreat Center, its officers, employees, or agents from and against any claims, damages or liability arising from or related to the use of the images, recordings or materials, including but not limited to claims of defamation, invasion of privacy, or rights of publicity or copyright infringement. You are 18 years of age or older, and are competent to contract in your own name.

Whether participating in a live webinar or watching the recordings, students' personal information, classroom participation, and course-related comments, images and media shared in forum discussions, comments and emails is to be kept confidential, held with care and respect, and is only presented for internal circulation within the cohort of enrolled students' learning experience.

Whether enrolled in a live online course or watching recordings, please understand that students' personal information, classroom participation, and course-related comments, images and media shared in forum discussions, comments and emails is to be kept confidential, held with care and respect, and is only presented for internal circulation within the cohort of enrolled students' learning experience, and not to be shared with, disclosed to, or described to others outside the cohort in any way, whether in recorded form or anecdotal reportage. By enrolling and participating in our programs, whether live or recorded, you agree to the above mentioned protections of the personal information and communications of fellow participants.

If you do not wish to appear in a recording, please ask your questions in the chat or turn off your video while you unmute yourself to speak. (Having your video on will NOT result in your appearance in a recording unless you unmute your microphone at the same time).

For all questions, you may contact us directly at [email protected]


All participants have 14 days to engage the program, participate in classes, and get a feel for the structure of the classes before deciding whether or not they are right for you.. 

In order to receive a 100% refund, contact us at [email protected] no more than 14 days after the start of this course. and if you are on a payment plan, cancellation of remaining payments. 

In the event of a family, health or other emergency, please contact us at [email protected].


In order to access the online content for our courses and online practice sessions, you will need to create a free Zoom account. This can be done here : https://zoom.us/freesignup/ From time to time Zoom updates its platform, please be sure to check for updates to Zoom, and install them periodically to avoid difficulties in attending our online offerings.

To avoid complications in accessing materials or participation in our programs, we encourage you to have access to a reliable computer with a strong internet connection. Mobile devices and phones can be used, however they can be less reliable and can make it harder to participate in discussions and complete assignments than on a laptop or desktop computer. Please ensure you have installed on your computer the most recent version of the browser that you use (e.g. Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc).

Below are some examples of what a stable internet connection is: 

 5 Mbps (average DSL connection): sufficient for 480p video

10 Mbps (average 4G LTE connection): sufficient for 720p video

25 Mbps (average cable internet): sufficient for streaming 1080p HD video