to be considered for late enrollment please email us at [email protected] 

Much work has been done to engage the way that spiritual formation impacts ministry work through chaplaincy. In Buddhist chaplaincy, much of the conversation has been advanced through various Zen based lineages. But what of Vajrayana, or tantric Buddhism? How do the unique expressions of this rich and dynamic Buddhist tradition inform chaplaincy and caregiving? 

This two-year program seeks to solve this problem by providing high quality support for Vajrayana practitioners who are interested in eventually pursuing formal professional chaplaincy training. By providing a fertile ground for individual spiritual practice that inspires and connects the participant towards exploring how to bridge, yoke, or grow points of connection between the foundations of chaplaincy and engaged authentic spiritual practice, this Vajrayana spiritual formation program is both unique as well as timely.

Key Vajrayana practices will be introduced to participants in year one along with essential skills required for professional spiritual caregiving. During the second year these learnings will continue as participants engage in clinical work at a location within one’s community. Such sites can include, hospitals, hospices, assisted-living facilities, jails, prisons, LGBTQIA community centers, etc.

This program is suitable for practitioners new to the dharma who wish to deepen their commitment to spiritual awakening as well as for experienced practitioners who are seeking to create a stable basis upon which they can formally enter the Clinical Pastoral Education process later. It’s also an excellent resource for chaplains/spiritual caregivers who want to deepen their practice at the intersection of focused and dedicated spiritual practice, and for dharma practitioners who wish to benefit from going more deeply into the spiritual insights offered by the Vajrayana tradition and who are also interested in developing healthy curiosity and critical thinking skills around how such insights can be a benefit to the needs of Western culture and the various crises that humanity is facing. 

Over the period of two years, we will explore the development of the following Spiritual Care Outcomes as presented by the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE) in a way that is complemented by the richness of Vajrayana Buddhism:

  • Identify formative and transformative experiences in one’s narrative history and their significance to one’s spiritual journey.  

  • Articulate how one’s narrative history informs one’s values and beliefs about spiritual care.

  • Use knowledge of behavioral sciences to understand how one’s narrative history informs one’s values and beliefs about spiritual care.    

  • Evaluate one’s integration of how knowledge of behavioral sciences informs one’s practice of spiritual care through the lens of one’s narrative history.

  • Articulate awareness upon reflection of when a care encounter intersects with elements of one’s narrative history.     

  • Demonstrate awareness in the moment of when a care encounter intersects with elements of one’s narrative history.

  • Demonstrate a knowledge of one’s social identity as related to spiritual care.

  • Articulate how one’s social identity informs one’s approach to spiritual care.    

  • Demonstrate how one’s social identity interacts with the care receiver’s social identity.    

  • Evaluate one’s integration of how knowledge of social identity informs one’s practice of spiritual care.

  • Articulate awareness upon reflection when a care encounter intersects with elements of one’s social identity.    

  • Demonstrate awareness in the moment when a care encounter intersects with elements of one’s social identity.     
  • Describe how one’s values and beliefs about spiritual care are part of one’s orienting systems.  
  • Demonstrate how one’s orienting systems inform spiritual care encounters.    

  • Demonstrate how one’s orienting system interacts with the care receiver’s orienting systems when providing spiritual care.    

  • Evaluate how one’s orienting system interacts with the care receiver’s orienting systems when providing spiritual care.

  • Demonstrate the ability to represent one’s role and function when initiating spiritual care relationships.    

  • Articulate an understanding of power dynamics and one’s authority when providing spiritual care.    

  • Demonstrate flexible communication styles and skills, including trauma informed approaches, that develop spiritual care relationships using one’s authority.    

  • Evaluate one’s use of communication styles and skills, including trauma informed approaches.

  • Demonstrate an understanding and initiate use of communication styles and skills in spiritual care relationships.  
  • Articulate how one’s communication styles and skills, including trauma informed approaches, develop spiritual care relationships.


Justin von Bujdoss

Senior Instructor & Founder

is an American vajrayana Buddhist teacher, writer, and the is a co-founder of Bhumisparsha an experimental Buddhist sangha along with Lama Rod Owens and Founder and Director of Yangti Yoga Retreat Center with Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, a retreat center dedicated to the practice of Dark Retreat. He is the author of Modern Tantric Buddhism: Authenticity and Embodiment in Dharma Practice published by North Atlantic Books, and contributor to Buddhism and Whiteness: Critical Reflections published by Lexington Books. From 2016 until December 2021 Justin served as the Executive Director of Chaplaincy and Staff Wellness for NYC Department of Correction where he also served as Staff Chaplain supervising over 30 chaplains and guided wellness programming for staff. Justin also has professional experience in home hospice and hospital settings as a pastoral caregiver. Lama Justin is currently the chaplain for Hart Island, New York City’s public cemetery. Lama Justin was ordained as a repa, a lay tantric yogin in the tradition of Milarepa, by His Eminence Gyaltsab Rinpoche, one of the heart sons of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa and is a ngakpa in the Yuthok Nyingthik tantric Buddhist lineage. Lama Justin has presented on Buddhist practice at Harvard, Princeton, Yale, University of Chicago, Wellesley, Columbia University, has been a visiting instructor at Union Theological Seminary, and teaches at Pure Land Farms. Justin is passionate about helping to create the conditions for authentic embodied tantric Buddhist spiritual practice in the West.

What this program provides

  • This course provides an in depth introduction to Vajrayana pastoral care and serves as a basis for pursuing formal chaplaincy training & board certification

  • Two, two hour live meetings per week. Develop long lasting relationships with peers and instructors in an engaged online setting

  • Weekly Office Hours with your Instructors to provide additional individual support

  • Clinical Work at location of choice during second year to develop caregiving skills and integrate topics covered in a practical action based environment all while being held in a container of support by your instructors and peers

  • Study with Special Guest Teachers such as Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, Lama Rod Owens, and others

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Letter

    2. Class Syllabus

    3. Student Walktrough: How to use this course

    1. Facilitation Schedule

    2. Submit Your Questions

    3. Office Hours: Booking Online

    4. Ngöndro Retreat Resources

    5. ZOOM LINK

    1. Trimester 1 Overview

    2. Module 1 Schedule & Overview

    3. Welcome & Student Introductions | Jan 8th

    4. Practicum: Discussion & Practical Exercises | Jan 10th

    5. Lecture with Lama Justin Von Bujdoss | Jan 15th

    6. Practicum: Discussion & Practical Exercises | Jan 17th

    7. *SPECIAL TUESDAY CLASS* YN Essential Empowerment with Dr. Nida Chenagtsang | Jan 23rd

    8. Practicum: Discussion & Practical Exercises | Jan 24th

    9. Module 1 Conclusion: Writing project

    1. Module 2 Schedule & Overview

    2. Introduction to Buddhist Ethics: Theravadin | Jan 29th

    3. Practicum: Discussion & Practical Exercises | Jan 31st

    4. Introduction to Buddhist Ethics: Mahayana | Feb 5th

    5. Practicum: Discussion & Practical Exercises | Feb 7th

    6. Introduction to Buddhist Ethics: Vajrayana | Feb 12th

    7. Practicum: Discussion & Practical Exercises | Feb 14th

    8. Module 2 Conclusion: Writing project

    1. Module 3 Schedule & Overview

    2. Getting Clear: Guest Lecture with Lama Rod Owens | Feb 19th

    3. Practicum: Discussion & Practical Exercises | Feb 21st

    4. Getting Clear: with Lama Justin | Feb 26th

    5. Practicum: Discussion & Practical Exercises | Feb 28th

    6. Getting Clear: with Brian Foote | March 4th

    7. Practicum: Discussion & Practical Exercises | March 6th

    8. Module 3 Conclusion: Poetry Project

    1. Module 4 Schedule & Overview

    2. Embracing the Shadow: Guest Lecture with Chris Fankhauser | March 11th

    3. Practicum: Discussion & Practical Exercises | March 13th

    4. Embracing the Shadow: with Lama Justin | March 18th

    5. Practicum: Discussion & Practical Exercises | March 20th

    6. Yuthok Nyingtik Ngöndro Retreat Guidance: with Jasmine Pema & Lama Justin | March 25th

    7. Practicum: Discussion & Practical Exercises | March 27th

    8. Module 4 Conclusion: Shadow Reflection

About this course

  • Monday + Wednesday 12:00 - 2:00 pm EST ​
  • $1600 | Two Year Program Starting January 8th 2024
  • Live Zoom Class with Recordings Provided


  • What are the student expectations?

    In order to foster an engaged and supportive container for enrichment and development, students are asked to participate in live meetings, offer a peer lead group exploration (starting year two), complete short reflection papers throughout, find a volunteer location of your choice in your community in accordance with the schedule of year two, and complete a capstone project at the end of the two years.

  • What certification is offered

    Upon successful completion of this program a certificate will be sent to you documenting the hours of class participation and practice as well as the topics covered during the course. The hours accumulated can be used towards M.Div equivalency if one plans on engaging the path of training as a chaplain.

  • I am new to Vajrayana is this program suitable for me?

    This program is suitable for practitioners new to the dharma who wish to deepen their commitment to spiritual awakening as well as for experienced practitioners who are seeking to create a stable basis upon which they can formally enter the Clinical Pastoral Education process later.

  • What is your cancellation policy?

    All participants have 14 days to engage the program, participate in classes, and get a feel for the structure of the classes before deciding whether or not they are right for you.. In order to receive a 100% refund, contact us at [email protected] no more than 14 days after the start of this course. and if you are on a payment plan, cancellation of remaining payments. In the event of a family, health or other emergency, please contact us at [email protected]. Please note that no refunds will be given after January 22nd, 2024.

  • What is the payment structure for this program?

    The cost of this program is $1600 for the two year training. Participants may choose to pay all at once or with a variety of payment installment plans anywhere from 2 to 16 months. If one enrolls in a payment installment plan, the first payment will be made upon registration which will initiate the monthly installments. From there payments will be automatically withdrawn from the original payment method provided each month on the same day. Payment methods may be updated at any time.

Watch the Free Introduction