TUESDAYS 12 -  2 PM EST | 10 - 12 PM PST

The 16th century Tibetan meditation master known as Jatsön Nyingpo (trans. Rainbow Heart) was a very important tertön, or treasure revealer, dzogchen master, and teacher of very prominent masters of the time including: 10th Karmapa Choying Dorje, the 4th Goshir Gyaltsab Rinpoche Drakpa Dundrub, the great dzogchenpa Tsele Natsok Rangdrol and the great yogin Lhatsun Namkha Jigme who was an important figure in the propagation and subsequent thriving of dharma in Sikkim.

Jatsön Nyingpo revealed a number of termas written by Yeshe Tsogyal, one of the most important ones being the Könchok Chidü, or The Embodiment of the Precious Ones. This expansive terma cycle is best known for a Guru Rinpoche sadhana that is well known throughout the Tibetan Buddhist world and commonly included within the 3-year retreat curricula within the Karma Kagyu Lineage.

Much less practiced, and included within the larger Könchok Chidü terma cycle is the Dzogchen cycle known as the Khamsum Yongdrol or The Complete Liberation of the Three Realms, compiled and organized by the 19th century master Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye. This cycle is a very important part of the way that the practice of dzogchen entered into the Karma Kagyu tradition and is a powerful guidebook for the practice of the full path of Ati Yoga in a way that supports the practitioner in an even, steady way.

Dzogchen (Sanskrit: Ati Yoga) is the most simple, direct, and profound path to reveal the sky-like nature of our own mind which is clear, vast, and unobstructed by the clouds of afflictive emotions.

During this year-long on-line program we will explore the direct instructions that Jatsön Nyingpo offers on touching into the mind’s true nature in daily life and liberating afflictive emotions so that the rigpa-state is able to be experienced.  This unique lineage, combined with Lama Justin's (Ngakpa Jatsön Rangdrol) clear explanation and practical instructions make this retreat an invaluable support for both beginner and advanced meditators of any lineage.

Join us for this immersion into the heart of Dzogchen meditation from the Könchok Chidü.

  • Experience the unique Dzogchen cycle from Jatsön Nyingpo revealed as a treasure from Yeshe Tsogyal

  • All participants will receive access to limited edition translation of The Complete Liberation of the Three Realms by Jatsön Nyingpo.

  • Receive a 7-day online Trekchö Retreat included with registration for deeper integration and opportunity for intensive practice

  • Additional optional camping style Rushen Retreat at the Yangti Yoga Retreat Center in Buckland, MA.

Justin von Bujdoss

Senior Instructor & Founder

is an American vajrayana Buddhist teacher, writer, and the is a co-founder of Bhumisparsha an experimental Buddhist sangha along with Lama Rod Owens and Founder and Director of Yangti Yoga Retreat Center with Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, a retreat center dedicated to the practice of Dark Retreat. He is the author of Modern Tantric Buddhism: Authenticity and Embodiment in Dharma Practice published by North Atlantic Books, and contributor to Buddhism and Whiteness: Critical Reflections published by Lexington Books. From 2016 until December 2021 Justin served as the Executive Director of Chaplaincy and Staff Wellness for NYC Department of Correction where he also served as Staff Chaplain supervising over 30 chaplains and guided wellness programming for staff. Justin also has professional experience in home hospice and hospital settings as a pastoral caregiver. Lama Justin is currently the chaplain for Hart Island, New York City’s public cemetery. Lama Justin was ordained as a repa, a lay tantric yogin in the tradition of Milarepa, by His Eminence Gyaltsab Rinpoche, one of the heart sons of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa and is a ngakpa in the Yuthok Nyingthik tantric Buddhist lineage. Lama Justin has presented on Buddhist practice at Harvard, Princeton, Yale, University of Chicago, Wellesley, Columbia University, has been a visiting instructor at Union Theological Seminary, and teaches at Pure Land Farms. Justin is passionate about helping to create the conditions for authentic embodied tantric Buddhist spiritual practice in the West.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Letter

    2. Class Syllabus

    3. Student Walktrough: How to use this course

    4. Zoom Link

    5. Submit Your Questions

    1. RUSHEN KUSALI CAMPING RETREAT: July 13th to July 19th

    2. TREKCHO KUSALI RETREAT ONLINE: October 7th - 14th

    1. Introduction to the Khamsum Yongdrol, Jatsön Nyingpo, and Ati Yoga.

    2. Empowerment for the Konchok Chidu

    3. Anuyoga’s Chandali: Introduction to training with Nadi

    4. Anuyoga’s Chandali: Training with Nadi

    5. Anuyoga’s Chandali: Introduction to training with Prana

    6. Anuyoga’s Chandali: Training with Prana

    7. Anuyoga’s Chandali: Training with Prana

    8. Anuyoga’s Chandali: Introduction to training with Bindu

    9. Anuyoga’s Chandali: Training with Bindu

    10. Anuyoga’s Chandali: Training with Bindu

    11. Anuyoga’s Chandali: Training with Bindu

    12. Anuyoga’s Chandali: Technique Employing the Lower Gate to Give Rise to Great Bliss via the Body of Another

    13. Seven Ways of Exercising Your Mind in Bodhichitta Anuyoga’s Chandali: Geksel

    14. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Yoga with Characteristics

    15. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Yoga with Characteristics

    16. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Yoga without Characteristics

    17. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Yoga without Characteristics

    18. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Cultivating yogic vision of the Infinite Purity of Life’s Appearances

    19. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Cultivating yogic vision of the Infinite Purity of Life’s Appearances

    20. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Ati Yoga Special Preliminaries: Inner Guru Yoga

    21. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Ati Yoga Special Preliminaries: Inner Guru Yoga

    22. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Ati Yoga Special Preliminaries: Inner Guru Yoga

    23. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Ati Yoga Special Preliminaries: Outer Rushen

    24. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Ati Yoga Special Preliminaries: Outer Rushen

    25. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Ati Yoga Special Preliminaries: Outer Rushen

    26. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Ati Yoga Special Preliminaries: Inner Rushen

    27. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Ati Yoga Special Preliminaries: Inner Rushen

    28. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Ati Yoga Special Preliminaries: Inner Rushen

    29. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Ati Yoga Special Preliminaries: Purification of Body

    30. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Ati Yoga Special Preliminaries: Purification of Body

    31. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Ati Yoga Special Preliminaries: Purification of Speech

    32. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Ati Yoga Special Preliminaries: Purification of Speech

    33. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Ati Yoga Special Preliminaries: Purification of Mind

    34. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Ati Yoga Special Preliminaries: Purification of Mind

    35. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Ati Yoga Special Preliminaries: Settling into the Natural State

    36. Ati Yoga’s Kadak Trekchö - Shamatha with and without Support

About this course

  • Tuesday's 12 - 2pm EST Starting Jan 21st 2025
  • $1250 | One Year Program with a 7 Day Retreat & Special Translation of Course Text Included
  • Live Zoom Class with Recordings Provided